Do it Yourself Pest Control Tips-HAPPY NEW YEAR!
We at First Response Pest Control want to wish everyone a happy and safe new year. As the year winds down and like others I like to take...
Don't Get Kissed by the Conenose Bug. The Kiss of Death!
Texas is home to three species of Kissing bugs (Figure a.), which can transmit the parasite Trypanosoma crizi to hosts by biting and...
RAT BITE FEVER (RBF) & Exposure Risk!
Highland Village number one pest control company.
Texas Rats are giving some home owners quite a workout.
Norway or Roof? Become a Rat Expert.
Denton County Rats Living Large!
Rodent Control in Highland Village Texas and all of Denton County.
Highland Village and Flower Mound has the Craziest Ants ever.
Very long antennae and legs compared to body First antennal segment about twice as long as head Slender, dark brown to black body with...
The Ghost Ant, just in time for Halloween!
Nest Site/Characteristics: Ghost ant nests are moderate to large with thousands of workers and many queens. Inside nest are generally...
Egyptian ruler lives in Texas, residing in homes across the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.
While you may not recognize this ant by its name (Pharaoh ant) chances are you have seen them in your home or a home of a relative or...
Don't let the Fire Ant Ruin your 4th of July
The Red Imported Fire Ant "RIFA" (Solenopsis invicta) is a globally invasive species, in part because it lives in high densities and may...
Going to the Circus to watch the Acrobat Ant? Don't bother you may not have to leave your house.
Crematogaster is an ecologically diverse genus of ants found worldwide, which are characterized by a distinctive heart-shaped...