Texas Rats are giving some home owners quite a workout.
Unfortunately here in Denton County, there are rats living alongside us. NO! Don’t go jumping on your neighbors head for eating cheese to your local HOA, they didn’t sell you or anyone else out. I am not talking about two legged Rats, I am talking about the hairy four legged Rat verity. Let’s face the facts, there are more Rats than the two legged ones some of us live next door to or even work with. The two species of rat that live among humans and spread diseases are the Roof rats and Norway rats.
Norway Rats vs Roof Rats
Norway rats burrow under foundations, sidewalks, driveways and streets, these burrows create hollow points that often create stress cracks and breaks. They also like to burrow and their nests can be located around gardens, by your garbage cans, and even in your house. Norway rats are larger and more robust than roof rats, have shorter ears, small eyes and a blunt nose. The Norway rat’s tail is shorter than that of the Roof Rat and does not extend past it’s nose when stretched over it’s back. A female Norway rat can produce 20 offspring each year. Norway Rats Roof rats will build their nests on the ground, but they prefer to be high up. Trees are great places but they prefer the warmth and comfort that comes with your attic. Roof rats are sleek and nimble and have ears that are long enough to cover their eyes as well they have a pointed nose. A Roof Rat’s tail is usually longer than it’s head and body. When it’s tail is stretched over the body, it extends past the nose. Roof rats are much more agile than Norway rats and can be seen running along electrical lines.
Touch is developed in highly sensitive whiskers and vibrissae and certain guard (tactile) hairs. Rats prefer to run along walls or between objects where they can keep their whiskers in contact with the side surfaces.
Vision is poorly develop and they are color blind, any distinctive coloring of poison baits does not reduce their acceptance.
Smell is keen. Rodents apparently like the odor of most foods that we enjoy. Because rats are accustomed to the smell of people, they are not repelled by human odor on baits and traps.
Hearing is well developed and they can locate the source of a noise within 6 inches.
Balance is excellent. Like cats falling rodents always land on their feet. Roof Rats are high wire performers and can often be seen traveling along suspended wires i.e. electrical lines.
Climbing skills are good. Roof rats are excellent climbers, as well Norway Rats can climb quite well when necessary.
Jumping skills rank up there with Olympic athletes. 2 to 3 feet vertically, 4 feet horizontally and 8 feet from an elevation.
Swimming skills are well developed and rats have been known to swim up through floor drains and toilet bowl traps; look before you sit.
If you suspect that you have rats and live in Highland Village, Flower Mound, Lewisville and the surrounding area, you are in luck… call First Response Pest Control. One of our Service Professionals (Not a Sales Person) can identify the type of rat and create an affordable treatment plan that will eliminate the toothy problem.
In our next blog we will take a deeper look into identifying Roof Rats vs Norway Rats.
First Response Pest Control providing service in Highland Village, Flower Mound, Lewisville, Coppell, Lantana, Corinth, Lake Dallas, Dallas, DFW, Denton and Denton County.
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